
I was browsing around TED (Ideas Worth Spreading) this morning and tripped over a video of a talk titled: Fractals and the Art of Roughness by Benoit Mandelbrot.

One thing leads to another, and I began looking for a program that would produce some neat fractals on my computer screen.  This lead me to XaoS, just such a program and a free download. So, I downloaded the program, started playing and here are a few of the results.

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These photos don’t do justice to the zooming capabilities of the XaoS  program.  Fractals are the result of a small mathematical formula.  The XasS program zooms ever down into select areas of detail.  I’ve copied the fractal images using a program called FastStone Capture – a favorite of mine.

Generating these fractal images are easy and fun and I can see some kool tee shirts using these designs.

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We are doing a class experiment in an effort to learn all about Wordpress and the world of Blogging.

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