About Us

Welcome to our little classroom experiment. We are a group of lifelong learners located in Sarasota, FL, specifically at the University of South Florida campus.

We decided to start this blogsite to learn about  WordPress and Blogging in an active classroom setting. It’s trial and error and experiential with a group of like-minded educated people.

And we very much hope that other classes will follow suit and join us in our fun. Please feel free to post and comment at your leisure and join our conversations on a variety of topics.

4 Responses to About Us

  1. Gail Hedrick says:

    This site is a ‘blog about blogging’-does anyone have an idea of what they want to blog about? I follow one about flying, one about cooking, and one from a family friend in the Netherlands and her adventures taking a Master’s program in a foreign country. I lead a pretty dull life-is there a need for a blog about that?!!!

    • Hi Gail,
      I’m just going back reading comments from last week – so this reply is a bit late.

      Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to blog. Neither my parents or grandparents left a written record of what they thought about the issues of their day. I’ve decided that I’d like my kids and grandchildren to have some written record. So – I blog. But I also keep hard copies, by date, in a folder. I don’t view this as an income producing. I just enjoy doing it and it keeps me out of trouble. I write about whatever comes to mind. I just don’t have time for it all. For every post that I’ve finished, I have two that remain incomplete. Good luck with your writing. I just submitted an OpEd piece to the NY Times today. If it’s published I’ll do cartwheels but I expect it has as much chance as Tom Delay winning an Oscar for tap-dance.


  2. Where can we see this post? On FB? On Twitter? On Linkedin?

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