Dr. Harvey Fineberg – Are we ready for neo-evolution?

A great 17 minute video – especially interesting at the 13:20 minute mark

Magnificent Photos

Check out Thomas Peschak’s photos:



Chalkfest Photos

The 2011 Chalkfest is over.  I missed the event, but walked the street early this morning and took some photos.  Here is a gallery of the ones I enjoyed most.  I confess to having a bias toward perspective art.

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Programming Anyone?

This morning, I came across a NY Times article about a start-up company that offers free programming lessons on the web. So far, nearly 1,000 programmers have submitted lessons.  The focus now is on javascript  but other languages will be added.  Here’s the link to CodeAcademy.

Java, it seems to me is a good thing for bloggers to know.  And, since I don’t know it, I’m excited about the prospect of learning enough of it to be helpful.


Sarasota Chalk Festival

It’s Halloween again.  This year’s Chalk Festival promises to be a good one with participating artists from around the U.S. and from around the world. Here’s the link to the Festival’s web site.

I took a number of photos of last year’s festival – apologies for having them mixed in with some other photos of Sarasota.  The link is here.





Greetings from Las Vegas

Greetings 320a, from the Megapolis in the desert.  Sorry to miss this week and next week, but I’ll be checking in to see changes in the blog and try to follow what’s happening that way.


Nifty Software

320A is about learning to blog – but while we’re at it, we may as well pass along some of the goodies that we have come across in our effort to keep computer use as simple and as effective as possible. If you’re like me, you are not that diligent when it comes to doing regular back-ups. Nor are you diligent in keeping an organized file structure – able to instantaneously find what you’re looking for on the hard-drive.

Here are a couple of helpers:

The first one is DropBox. Install DropBox on your computer and you’ll have some free storage space in the cloud. The program places a box shaped icon on your desktop or start menu. Double click to open, set up a file-structure and start dragging things into it. If you use multiple computers, it will automatically synchronize changes from one computer to another. And, with a computer (any computer) and a connection, you can access your data from anywhere. The cloud is pretty nifty!  Recommend the program to friends and be rewarded with more free space – up to 6 gigs.  Here’s a link to a story in the NY Times.

The second program that I’d like to introduce you to is EverNote. I’m not a wiz at this one yet, but it is nifty. Other bloggers have written about EverNote so, here is a link to what I think is a pretty good synopsis.

Both programs are free. Files are encryped and cloud storage is safe.  I find that these programs have given me a 2nd opportunity to address file structure and, this time, be more careful and do it right.


Spanish Anyone?

Here is a link to a free Beginning Spanish course titled:Destinos, An Introduction to Spanish.  This is a video program that takes you on a mystery tour across the Spanish speaking world in search of a person from the past.  The program is brought to you by Learner.org and there are numerous other programs as well.  I’m not sure that all are free, but you can check out the course listing here.


Orthopedic Surgery Technique

Hi everyone.  This is Ken and I thought that I’d share something that a friend passed along to me the other day.

This is a video from Ghost Productions, a company that has been doing medical videos for some 15 years.  There is a way to incorporate a video such as this directly into your own blog so that it plays when someone just clicks on the arrow.  That, however, requires a plug-in. I’m sure we’ll cover that in class in the near future.

But, check out this http://player.vimeo.com/22714000

Ghost has some other videos as well. Here’s their website. While there, check out their video on cardiology.